Sunday 2 February 2020

Comment on My Previous Post

I know my previous post about my method of knee joint repair is an engineering solution. It has little to do with beginner skiing.  It should be under some health heading but people keep asking me how it works. Often people complain about knee problems similar to mine on the ski lift. I explain my solution to them. Some impetus stems from my 10 years teaching, in the local ski school.  I was surprised by the number of instructors that had knee injuries (about 20%). I know also that there are several types of fluid injections for knees but they seem to be only delaying the inevitable knee joint replacement. So if people ask how I am fixing my knee, I can refer them to my site.

My solution, that seems to be working, is a design engineering approach. I spent many hours looking at the problem of knee repair and the solution seemed to be that while the mechanism for repair is all in place, in our joints, it was inadequate. The rate of damage was exceeding the capabilities of the repair system.  After, my discussions with Jerome Fryer, I delved into medical papers which were mostly above my understanding.  The essence of the papers and conclusions were clear.

When trying to solve an engineering design problem it is necessary to talk to a wide variety of people with varying expertise, particularly when designing solutions to solve people type problems. Determining the effect of bending a leg sideways to increase the knee gap size, to cause a vacuum, as well as filtering, and fluid flow, are not included in the doctor’s people repair manual. This is meat and potatoes for engineers.

My solution is a partial solution.  It requires some fine-tuning. Researchers, physiotherapists, and doctors are needed to fill in some of the gaps. Getting research done is a problem because there is no revenue generated. No pills, no magic bullet.

(It could get worse. I’m a great fan of the use of heat for curing some ills.  I have been keeping my rheumatoid arthritis in remission for over 30 years by using a heating pad. I stop colds the same way. It is simple.  If you look at the temperature sensitivity of some cold viruses they can’t tolerate temperatures much higher than body temperature at 37 C or 98.6 F. They propagate at much lower temps and don’t exist well above.  A heating pad will heat to a temperature of 140 F degrees much too high for your skin to tolerate. There is a but. When you hold a heating pad on your skin, the skin absorbs the heat energy and so on my forehead, the temperature only reaches 104 degrees. It is a little tricky holding a heating pad on my sinuses and nose (a hotbed for virus propagation) but doable. Cure a cold in 20 minutes. Check out the new coronavirus temperature sensitivity.  It’s sensitivity to temperature is similar to that of cold and flu viruses. Unfortunately, it can cause lung problems.)


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