Tuesday 20 July 2021

About a Treatment for the Common Cold, Including COVID-19


COVID-19 has for more than a year highjacked my mind and website. My initial goal was to help keep my local ski mountain open for the next season. The ski season opened but not because of my efforts. 

Over the last few years, I had found that by applying sufficient heat to my sinuses and nasal cavities the colds would go away. But after reading and learning about where colds develop in our upper respiratory tract I began to understand some of the medical language, terms, and processes. I had a mission to determine why I got positive results for this simple application of heat. Why did my simple treatment work? 

The pink and red are the areas of interest
I found that there has been extensive study of the rhinoviruses but most of it concerned the mechanism on how cold viruses were able to multiply and the conditions necessary and how to block the process.  There is little information on how to destroy the viruses directly once the replication has begun. I knew from previous experience that viruses have upper-temperature limits and eventually found that for cold viruses humidity also plays an important part.

The general information is that our chances of survival after being infected are quite high but very good for younger people and less as a person ages. High infection and old age are a bad combination. Why is this? Speculating it could be a combination of the amount of physical activity, metabolic rate, and a lower core temperature as we age. It may also depend on the virus variant and its upper-temperature sensitivity when the viruses fail.

When I discovered that the upper sensitivity of the coronavirus was possibly as low as 37.5 0C On my own I discovered that by blocking my nose and breathing through my mouth, can raise the nasal cavity and nasopharynx (top of throat tube) to my body core temperature, I knew that it was possible to make my treatment workable for most people. By concentrating the added heat application at the center of the pink zone, (figure top right above) the transmitted heat is sufficient to meet the criteria of 38-39 0C and >95% relative humidity. But if the core temperature is in the above criteria range because of a fever or higher metabolic rate, adding extra heat may not be necessary.

So you don’t have to look at all the previous posts I made a PDF download of  How to Cure Common Cold(6)  Or in the separate list to the right. The first portion before I added the previous posts is all you need to get started. The following previous posts have the information on how and where to apply extra heat. I liked the post immediately following this one, on "Tinkering with Colds", which is included at the end of this summary. 

Does this this treatment work?  I don’t know the efficacy of this treatment. All I know is that it works for me and my friends, and over 11,000 views from countries around the world. No person or organization has commented, just me, as a test. So if you wish to comment, send me a note at:   alanrskitalk@gmail.com 

Good luck and good health to you. 

AlanR, the engineer

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